Organic Honey

Local organic honey is extremely hard to  source in South Africa. There a very few producers and beekeepers that can certify that they produce organic honey in South Africa.

Pesticides and fertilizers and sprays on crops usually strip any chance of obtaining organic honey and especially when bees are not insects that can be trained to keep to only one area or a specific area and not another area which does includes non-organic elements.

We currently are not pursuing any products that claim to be organic honey as the reality of the situation is that we find it hard for any producer to claim that their honey is certified organic in South Africa. We do, however, work very closely with beekeepers who focus on raw and healthy honey production on crops with farmers that aim to keep any foreign elements out of their crops and or focus on more organic farming methods than others.

Local Raw Honey

We harvest and source local pure raw honey harvested by beekeepers from local bee hives around Gauteng, Mpumalanga and other provinces.

Our hives sit in Nelspruit and Midrand and produce between 15-20kg each on average of raw honey. We get Macadamia honey from Nelspruit and Multiflora from Midrand.

Our own in-house bee hives in Midrand are also used in bee farming courses run on a monthly basis to introduce beginner beekeepers to bee farming in South Africa.

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